Meet Scott O’Malley (he/him), a Supervisor in the healthcare field with an organization that assists people to enroll in health insurance. Scott is a leader in his department, and an extremely outgoing individual. This has been an intense time in United States history - many of us alive have never lived through anything like this, and hopefully never will again.
We believe healthcare should be a universal right, and those on the front lines include people like Scott who you may not realize exist as an integral part of the machine. “We are doing our best to get you what you need for insurance, and we will continue to do our best daily. Be safe and be kind we are all going through this together — only together can we beat this.”
Working in an office environment can be taxing on many people, but Scott has held a positive outlook and does manage to keep his staff in high spirits as well. Our whole interview, Scott had nothing but a smile on his face, and was glowing when he discussed his team, and the work they do for the residents of NYS, knowing he is helping the greater good. In his position, right now, there is no working from home. “Knowing where I work is still providing a great service to people who need it has been a huge help (in staying positive) — currently, in some of the most difficult times we face we can and will overcome this.”
Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum of working in the service industry, at the end of the day human connection and helping others is a key component. Whether it’s working as a team or independently it’s for the greater good and far too often Call Centers get overlooked.
On a personal note, Scott has a growing family at home he provides for - children and a wife. “It (Covid-19) has really put a lot in perspective for me - not just at work but the people I love most in the world.”
As we’ve been interviewing people for this project, a common theme emerges without even being mentioned by us first: human connection. No matter what walk of life you come from, we all strive for the same things when looking from a broad scope. We truly hope that people cherish and are grateful for what they have - whether it not be much, or all the riches they could ever want. We need to foster our connections with others, and our selves.
// Please note all quoted statements above are those of Mr. O’Malley and not reflective of his employer or Faiella Studios.